To: the Baroness Dorothea von Ertmann
Vienna, 1814

Anderson v1 pg482-483 - letter #516

My Beloved Friend!

        Every other day I am ill, always ill –– So I beg Frau von Frau Pichler a thousand times to forgive me.  Ever imbued with the intention to make a point of seeing her, I myself have ignored the most elementary rules of politeness, i.e. to send her an answer; but I have failed to do so more from forgetfulness than from carelessness test – Since she is perhaps in a hurry about this opera, I am returning it to you.  But I fully intend to speak to F[rau] v[on] P[ichler] about it myself – It is very beautifully written.  For this particular occasion, however, I should like to have a subject which would comprise the whole of Germany – But if this opera is supposed to refer to the return of the Emperor then, of course, asked it would be best as it is.

                             In haste, your friend and admirer

         I called on you once or twice but did not find you at home ––